Another awesome Hillbilly run, thanks to Charlene and Dy for joining me, and pulling me up those hills. I seriously would not have survive that without you guys! Actually, I probably would've chickened out of that particular route if not for you guys!!
Only 12.5km, but what an exhausting run - the Hillbillies earned their names many times over this morning!!! I think I'll have a word with the maniac who suggested that route. Wait, that was me... Okay, I've scolded myself, I'm sorry!!
But you have to admit that it was a fun - and scenic - route too!! We arrived back at our cars tired and sweaty but all with big smiles :) We're just suckers for punishment aren't we???
But back to business, here are this morning's stats:
As for the route itself: we started at Great Westerford and headed up Dean Street for the first hill of the morning. It was still quite dark at 5:30, but not quite mid-winter-pitch-dark just yet. But the mornings are definitely breaking later already...
We started out at a comfortable pace, of which I was glad, as I can still feel Saturday's hot run in my legs somehow... Along Newlands Avenue a nice recovery, and then downhill along the M3 to the Shell for some water.
Route Profile
So early in the morning, crossing the M3 was quite easy, and we soon found ourselves motoring along Fernwood Ave towards Boshoff. From Boshoff, along Heath to Riverside, we were heading up Kirstenbosch Drive way too soon, or so it seemed. Kirstenbosch Dr sees the start of the second hill - all the way up to Bishopscourt Dr, over into Canterbury, and then up, up, up to Glastonbury Road. Dy and Charlene were flying up Canterbury, while I was doing my very best to keep them just within sight while I plodded my slow way up behind them. Enjoying the fresh air (my lungs kept demanding more and more as we climbed and climbed!) and slowly brightening morning. It wasn't too long before we were at the 'top' at Glastonbury Road intersection, where it was time for a well-deserved walk-break to catch our breath back. Just a few moments, then it was off again towards Kirstenbosch, dodging the light traffic that was just starting up.
At the actual top of hill #2, we stopped for a very well-deserved (and much-needed) water-break. Cool, fresh, sweet, clean Kirstenbosch water!! Definitely my favourite part of the run! After a brief breather, we made our way slowly across the road, then started an easy jog up Klaasens Road. We were soon undulating again, but these hills were more just a break in the 'flat' than anything else. Then a lovely descent to then Klaasens/Gloucester intersection, were we did the not-so-smart (but fun!) thing - we turned right towards Monterey!!!
As with all hills, the key to tackling this near-vertical (but thankfully short) monster is to take it one step at a time. And remember to breathe!!! And before we knew it, we were approaching the top, and yes, all still alive!! The group was very quiet by this time, everyone giving priority to getting air into their lungs rather than waste precious oxygen trying to pant out a conversation.
Now for some good news guys: this is the very highest point of the route, the hills are now over!!! Well done!
And then we looked down. And down. And down.
That road dropped even steeper than we'd been climbing. All the way back down to the M3. I was slower going down than up, afraid of gravity playing tricks and tripping me up. Charlene and Dy seemed to enjoy the downhill though, and soon were well ahead of me, and gaining. I contented myself with just making it down the hill, I'd catch them at the M3 robots.
Route Map
Eventually we all made it back down to sea level safely. We had a brief wait to cross the M3 - morning traffic was picking up steadily by then, and the exhaust fumes not smelling all that great. So as soon as we could, we dashed across the M3 and into Struben, and then finally out of traffic onto Bowood for a peaceful trip down to scenic and spacious Eden Road. What a relief - and what a view of the mountain in the early morning light!! Man, I'm going to miss running in Cape Town!!!
Too soon Eden was over, and we were dashing across Protea Circle, past Vineyard Hotel and up Kildare. To round off our lovely run, we hit Mains Street from the right side (pun intended!) to avoid the morning school-traffic, and breezed back home, dodging a few pedestrians along the way.
Strangely, we'd seen very few runners out and about this morning. Could the later sunrise be scaring them off?? Two Oceans is just around the corner, you'd think there'd be more runners than ever doing semi-last-minute 'cramming' for Oceans?!? Much like the cyclists are doing for the Argus right now - wow, there were a lot of cyclists out this morning??? Most flew past us at break-neck speeds, especially going downhill. But almost every single cyclist greeted us with a smile this morning :) Now really, is there a better way to start off your day than that - a great run filled with many friendly faces and scenic neighbourhoods???
Thank you Hillbillies for making this morning's run so great!!
Dean Street Hillbillies